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Are you ready to innovate towards sustainable futures? Take our Sustainable Business Readiness Assessment Test and find out

T he world is facing unprecedented challenges – climate change, resource depletion, social inequality to name a few. These complex issues, involve addressing topics like UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Wicked Problems and Systems Changes. These challenges demand the right approaches, methodologies, strategy and mindsets to tackle them effectively. 

Are your organisations’ innovation and business design capabilities equipped to tackle these kinds of complex challenges? Or are they no longer up to the job of tackling these kinds of complex challenges? Take our quick 5 minute assessment test to see where you’re at.

Introducing the Sustainable Business Readiness Test, your free online assessment tool

This quick assessment test will help you understand your organization’s current sustainability innovation maturity levels. By answering a series of questions, for example, about your existing processes, skills, culture and resources, you’ll receive a personalized score indicating your organization’s readiness to address complex sustainability challenges.

What will you learn?

The Sustainable Business Assessment Test goes beyond a simple score. It provides insights into:

  • Your strengths and weaknesses: Identify areas where your innovation and business design practices excel and areas that require improvement for tackling sustainability challenges.
  • The types of innovation you can address: Understand whether your organization is currently equipped for incremental improvements or ready to lead the way with disruptive and radical innovation for sustainability outcomes.
  • The skills and capabilities you need to develop: Gain a clear understanding of the specific skills and capabilities your organization needs to cultivate to tackle complex sustainability challenges through innovation.

Why is this important?

The business landscape is shifting dramatically. We are increasingly demanding solutions that address environmental and social issues alongside traditional customer-centric business goals. Businesses that can’t innovate for sustainability risk falling behind the needs curve.

Benefits of taking the test

  • Self-assessment: Gain valuable insights into your organization’s current state.
  • Actionable steps: Identify specific areas for improvement and receive personalized recommendations.
  • Future-proofing your business: Develop a roadmap for building the skills and capabilities needed to thrive in a sustainable future.

Get Started for FREE now

After you’ve received your test score

Once you’ve got your score, use our Sustainability Problems Landscapes tool, to quickly plot your score. This will help you see where your current organisational capabilities are and where they need to get to next.

Together, let’s design a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Let’s talk!

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We’ll discuss your specific sustainable business-innovation challenges and what to do about them

Mike Pinder is a cross-industry business innovation expert & consultant, thought leader, author, lecturer & international keynote speaker on innovation. He’s driven by using innovation to leave the world a better place than we found it. Mike is a co-founder of Wicked Acceleration Labs (an industry-academia research lab aimed at tackling wicked problems), Member of Board of Advisors at Global Innovation Institute (GInI), & Honorary Practice Fellow at Imperial College London Business School.

Mike consults and leads across innovation strategy, Design Thinking, Lean Start-up, Business Model Innovation in both B2B and B2C, guiding c-level innovation strategy, innovation accelerator design, co-creation, capability programs, academic research, executive education (Exec Ed) university program design, intrapreneurship, digital transformation, sprints & more.